The 2023 Season Has Now Concluded

A huge thank you to each and every one of our Pink Lady community members. Your participation has contributed to making this season one of our best years yet.

As we look back on the season gone we are reminded of the importance of our club and community, and just how special it really is!

Keep an eye on our socials for our off-season activities.


2023 EuroGames Bern

The Pink Ladies took part in the 2023 LGBTQ+ EuroGames in Bern, Switzerland. Before our departure, We had the privilege of having Irish Olympian athlete Nicci DalyBefore coach our two EuroGames teams to get us tournament-ready 🫶 The trip was filled with river swims, Shove-Dogs and a drop or two of Fireball. As always, this trip provides the perfect opportunity to reconnect with our Pink Hockey community, the London Royals and the Baby Gays. Many of our new members got the chance to make their EuroGames tournament debuts. The trip concluded with an epic Pink Hockey Fancy Dres BBQ which saw a dodgy performance to Disco Inferno, featuring a surprise celebrity drop-in from Mr. Worldwide.


Pride on the Pitch

The Pink Ladies met with the Irish Independent to chat about their experiences in sports and the importance of LGBTQ+ sports clubs for the queer community. ‘Pride on the Pitch’ was featured in the Pride edition of the weekend magazine in the Irish Independent.

The 2022 season is ON!
Pink Ladies Pink Ladies

The 2022 season is ON!

The Pink Ladies Hockey Club 2022 season officially got underway on Tuesday 3rd May in our new home of Pembroke Wanderers Hockey Club, and it has to have been the biggest turnout the club has EVER seen for first training session… old faces, new faces and returning faces all in the mix, being put through their paces by Coaches Lauren & Cata, and having the max-craic along the way - a wonderful way to start it all off!

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